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[New Arrival] Grado Signature HP100 SE Headphone

The Newest Flagship from Grado has arrived!

Grado Signature HP100 SE merupakan "Tribute" to Joseph Grado, yang merupakan Founder dari Grado yang membuat Headphone pertama nya di tahun 1990.

Grado merupakan Boutique Company dari Brooklyn, New York, dimana Company nya dijalankan oleh Grado Family (saat ini sudah generasi ketiga). Ciri khas utama Grado adalah Hand Assembled di Workshop mereka, dengan tetap mempertahankan Classic Design dan "Classic" Grado Sound yaitu Highly Energetic, Musical dengan Attack Notes Instrument yang Lively.

Grado Signature HP100 SE memiliki spesifikasi:

- 52mm Dynamic Driver with Biocellulose Material

- Detachable Cable with 12 Conductors

- "Hand Machined" Aluminum Housing

- Driver Match 0.04dB

- G Cushion and F Cushion Earpad

"In considering the attributes of a new 52mm driver, Grado’s goal was to deliver a speaker that produced excellent high frequency resolution, midrange smoothness and bass energy with low distortion, resulting in a voicing that is musically and harmonically correct." - Grado Headphone


HP100 SE mempunyai karakter suara yang Energetic, Highly Engaging, Crisp Treble with plenty of "Bite", Forward, Full Body and Natural Vocality. Tight, Fast and Punchy Bass, membikin kesan suara yang padat, lincah, dengan Impact Bass yang solid.

HP100 SE sendiri langsung mendapat 2 jenis Earpad:

1. G Cushion, untuk karakter suara yang Airy, Bright, with Wide Spacious Soundstage

2. F Cushion, the classic Grado Earpad, dengan karakter Forward, Punchy, Lively, with Warm and Full Body Tonality

HP100 SE juga dapat dipasangkan ke L Cushion (Bowl Pad) untuk mendapatkan karakter yang diantara G and F Cushion Earpad.

Harga: IDR 42,000,000

Buat teman-teman yang mau audisi cobain langsung Grado Signature HP100 SE pastinya bisa di Beyond The Music!

P.s: Simply The Most Resolving Grado Headphone ever made! The option to choose 3 kind of Earpads is so useful to adjust the Sound Character that we truly like (Our most favorite use Bowl Pad).


BTM Team




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